Our priorities are based on our core strengths in this key focus area ‐ research. We (The Net Square team) are driven by our potential to translate research efforts ‐ our core strength ‐ into innovative, practical, effective solutions; solutions that impact the information security industry. This focus is in keeping with our vision to blaze trail in information security research. The team at Net Square has an enormous amount of experience in information security and are committed to bringing new and effective solutions to the increasing need for securing information. Growing needs in the area of information technology keep us innovative.
Tools like httprint, wschess,BrowserBruter and nstools are the outcomes of our research activities. Various whitepapers have been published at conferences and leading information technology media websites. Net Square has also published advisories concerning security issues in various products.
Net Square's Knowledge Sharing Culture
Knowledge sharing is a powerful tool that can help change the learning culture, and culture as a whole, within any collective of people.we use weekly Tech Meetup which is small team level presentations to discuss new current, upcoming technology, vulnerabilities and exploits for grow as individuals and as a company. This type of culture enables our entire team to stay at the forefront of technologies and trends in order to best serve our clients.
Tools and Applications
Tools and application listed below have been developed by our team to assist you in defending your organization against attacks.

httprint‐ Web Server Fingerprinting

BrowserBruter ‐ Browser based automated web pentesting tool.

wsChess ‐ Toolkit for Web Services Assessments and Defense

datapipe_http ‐ Raw/HTTP TCP Tool Tunneling.

nstools ‐ Security ToolKit from NetSquare

MSNPawn ‐ Web application Footprinting, Profiling & Assessment tool using MSN Search web APIs

netps - Lists active processes

netport - Port-to-process mapping tool

netservice - Service Management

netxslt - XML to HTML Convertor